Yesterday, Adani Power reported consolidated PAT at Rs 4,780 crore for the first quarter of this year. Also, last year’s PAT of Rs 278 crore. The consolidated revenue from operations rose 109 per cent to Rs 13,723 crore compared to Rs 6,569 crore last year. Expenses stood at Rs 9,642.80 crore during the quarter compared to Rs 6,763.50 crore.
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“We have been able to utilise the opportunities presented by the market, to meet rising power demand. Regulatory issues that were outstanding for a long are nearing full resolution,” Anil Sardana, managing director, Adani Power, said. In the first quarter, Adani Power and its subsidiaries achieved an average plant load factor of 58.6 per cent and aggregate sales volumes of 16.3 billion units (BU) on an installed base of 13,650 megawatts, it said.
In the June quarter, total income rose to Rs 15,509 crore under review from Rs 7,213.21 crore in the same month of last year. Apart from this, Adani Group is the largest private thermal power producer in India.
The company has an installed thermal power capacity of 13,610 MW spread across seven power plants in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh, apart from a 40 MW solar power plant in Gujarat.