The All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) will launch an immunity-boosting ‘Bal Raksha Kit’ for children over 16. The AIIA works under the Ministry of Ayush. The kit will help boost children’s immunity to help them fight Covid-19 infection and keep them healthy.
The kit has a syrup made up of basil, giloy, cinnamon, liquorice and dry grapes, which have remarkable medicinal qualities, together with Annu oil, Sitopaladi and Chyawanprash, whose regular consumption improves the immunity level of children, officials said.
This kit has been made under the strict guidelines of the Ministry of Ayush. It has been manufactured by Indian Medicines Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited (IMPCL). The AIIA will give 10,000 free kits on National Ayurveda Day, which is on November 2.