Barbeque Nation Hospitality saw a weak listing on Wednesday, as the shares got listed at Rs 489.85 on NSE, a 2.03 per cent discount to its issue price of Rs 500. On BSE, the stock opened at Rs 492, down 1.6 per cent. The listing ceremony took place at NSE at 9:15 am earlier in the day. Barbeque Nation Hospitality owns and operates Barbeque Nation Restaurants, casual dining restaurant chains, and International Barbeque Nation Restaurants. It also owns and operates Toscano Restaurants and You and Barbeque.
The recent market volatility had hit the grey market premium (GMP) of Barbeque Nation shares. Dealers active in the grey market, or the unofficial market for trading in unlisted shares, said the premium on the stock has fallen to Rs 10-12 from Rs 40 just a week back. That means the shares were trading in the Rs 510-512 range.
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The initial public offering (IPO) of the casual dining chain was subscribed 5.98 times. The Rs 453 crore issue received bids for 2,99,01,510 shares against 49,99,609 shares on offer, NSE data showed. The quota reserved for qualified institutional buyers (QIBs) was subscribed 5.11 times, those for non-institutional investors 3.10 times, and retail individual investors’ quota 13.13 times. At the issue price, the company enjoyed a valuation of 2.4x FY20 EV/sales. Analysts said while the company posted revenue growth of 20 per cent CAGR between FY18-FY20 but it has been continuously incurring losses at PAT level despite top-line growth.