On Thursday, the CBI arrested Avinash Bhosale and the promoter companies connected with Yes Bank Founder Rana Kapoor and Kapil Vadhawan in the DHFL scam case. The CBI has conducted multiple searches at his premise in April.
Many real estate companies which are based in Maharashtra have CBI suspects that illicit funds, they said.
On April 30, the agency had carried out searches at the premises of noted builders of the state in this scam case. Also, the premises of ABIL and Bhosale were searched during this operation.
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The agency has alleged that Kapoor entered into a criminal conspiracy with Wadhawan to extend financial assistance to DHFL through Yes Bank in return for substantial undue benefits to himself and his family members through companies held by them.
The Kapoor had entered into a criminal conspiracy with Wadhawan to extend the financial assistance to DHFL through Yes Bank in return for substantial undue benefits to his family members through companies held by them, CBI said.
Also, Yes Bank has invested Rs 3,700 crore in the short term in had invested of scam-hit in DHFL; this scam started between April and June 2018, according to CBI FIR.