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IFC Launches Masala Bonds To Fund Its Investment In India

International Finance Corporation (IFC), the member of the World Bank Group, on said on Friday that it has launched a US$ 1 billion masala bond programme to fund its investment activities in India.

Masala bonds are rupee-denominated borrowings issued overseas. IFC uses masala bonds to raise rupee funds overseas and brings the proceeds to India for investments.

According to Mengistu Alemayehu, director of South Asia, IFC, “Our investment activities in India touched a record high last year. In line with our strategy, we have made big strides in the areas of affordable housing, SME finance, distressed assets resolution, renewable energy, logistics, and disruptive technologies.”

He added, Our pipeline remains strong, and this masala bond programme will help us support our investment activities in the near and medium term.”

As per the IFC statement, the first tranche under the programme of about US$ 100 million was sold to a range of investors, including asset managers, banks, and a pension fund in the United States and Europe on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) last night.

Keshav Gaur, director, treasury client solutions, IFC, stated, “The bulk of our investments in India are in the local currency. The masala bond market remains an attractive source of financing, and we are tapping it again to fund an ever-growing pipeline.”

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