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Job growth in 2015 declines to 7 year low: Labour survey

According to a survey by Labour Bureau, the employment generation in eight key sectors including gems & jewellery, handloom, leather and automobiles, has been at seven year low of 1,35,000 jobs in 2015.

As per earlier surveys, in 2014, the employment was increased by 4.21 lakh, 4.19 lakh in 2013, 3.21 lakh in 2012, 9.29 lakh in 2011, 8.7 lakh in 2010 and 12.8 lakh in 2009.

Besides, in the October-December quarter of 2015 job losses of 20,000 has been seen in eight key sectors as compared to previous quarter.

The 28th Quarterly Report on Changes in Employment in Selected Sectors by Labour Bureau said “Comparison of the results for the period December, 2015 over December, 2014 shows that the employment at overall level has increased by 135,000.”

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