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NGT Allows Vedanta Ltd To Reopen Its Sterlite Copper Plant


National Green Tribunal has enabled Vedanta to resume operations at the company’s facility in Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu by issuing an order. The Mining company celebrated the order, stating that the livelihood of those affected by the plant’s closure will come back to them.

P Ramnath, Chief Executive Officer, Vedanta’s Sterlite Copper Plant, in a statement said: “We welcome the order given by the National Green Tribunal on allowing us to resume operations of our copper smelter at Thoothukudi”. He also added, “We are happy that all those affected by the closure will get back their source of livelihood and the town of Thoothukudi will revert back to normalcy.”

However, The Tamil Nadu government maintained its position and stated that it would challenge the NGT order, which set aside the closure of the Vedanta’s Sterlite Copper plant in Tuticorin in the wake of protests by locals, in the Supreme Court.

The shut down of Vedanta’s plant copper plant at Tuticorin by Tamil Nadu government over alleged pollution that led to violent protests in May, which also resulted in the deaths of 13 people when police opened fire on protesters, was termed “non-sustainable” and “unjustified” by the  National Green Tribunal.

Ramnath also stated that the company had been operating smelter by adopting “best practices” followed globally. “We thank the people of Thoothukudi for the faith reposed in us and for their support,” he added. “We will continue to work for the welfare of the communities around the region and remain committed to grow sustainably along with the people of Thoothukudi,” Ramnath said.

Read EquityPandit’s Copper Outlook for the Week

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