Parle Agro, which retails brands such as Frooti and Appy Fizz, said it has earmarked Rs 240 crore in marketing and advertising spends across media platforms and high reach properties such as the Indian Premier League (IPL). The aim is to get top-of-mind recall and mindshare of consumers as consumption resumes after a complete washout of the summer season last year owing to pandemic-led lockdown.
The company is leveraging the popularity of celebrity endorsers for summer campaigns for its two flagship beverage brands Frooti and Appy Fizz. While Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Allu Arjun feature in Frooti’s national summer campaign promoting the mango drink, actor Priyanka Chopra and Jr. NTR are endorsing the Appy Fizz brand both at the national level and regional (Southern markets) level respectively. Created by ad agency, &Walsh, these campaigns will be promoted across television, outdoor and digital platforms.
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“We are coming back to television advertising after a gap of 1.5 years with two strong campaigns. Since our beverages fall in the impulse purchase category the top-of-mind recall plays a critical role. 2021 is going to be our biggest growth year. We are hoping to grow at 50 per cent this year over 2019 taking us towards our goal of achieving Rs 10,000 crore turnover by 2022,” said Nadia Chauhan, joint managing director and chief marketing officer at Parle Agro. The company is also betting on IPL 2021. Frooti is the official on-air sponsor for the IPL, B-Fizz being a youth-centric brand will be promoted on Disney + Hostar during the tournament to generate the right reach, impact and visibility for the brand among the core audience.
Chauhan said that the company’s focus shifted to reinventing sales and distribution network to cater to the market effectively despite the lockdown in 2020 which helped it to gain over 8 per cent market share in the category.