On Tuesday, PowerGrid Corporation Ltd’s shares hit a record high of Rs 223.35 on rallied 5 per cent on the BSE intra-day trade amid heavy volumes. The stock of the state-owned electric utility company surpassed its previous high of Rs 220.85 touched on January 27, 2022.
In the morning trade, the stock was up 1.3 per cent at Rs 215.90, compared to a 0.30 per cent gain on the S&P BSE Sensex. The trading volume at the counter jumped 1.3 times, with a combined 9.3 million equity shares changing hands on the NSE and BSE.
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PowerGrid Corporation is India’s top power transmission company, operates primarily in the inter-state transmission sector and is one of the largest transmission companies in the world. The company’s robust & extensive power transmission network (along with its subsidiaries acquired through tariff-based competitive bidding) along with other business segments, i.e. telecom, consultancy etc.