Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday that the country now conducts digital transactions worth Rs 20,000 crore a day, claiming that this increases facilities and encourages an environment of honesty. Speaking on the monthly Mann Ki Baat radio broadcast, Modi said that small online payments are helping to build a massive digital economy, and many new fintech startups are emerging.
He also urged those with experience in digital payments and the startup ecosystem to share with others. “Your experiences can be an inspiration for others in the country,” he said. “Rs 2,000 crore worth of digital transactions are being conducted in our country. In March, UPI (Unified Payment Interface) transactions even reached Rs 1,000 crore,” he said.
Modi added that this increases the country’s facilities and encourages an environment of honesty. He said people across the country had written him letters and messages about the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya, which opened on April 14, the anniversary of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s birth.
Modi said there was no better time to commemorate the Prime Minister’s contributions than 75 years of India’s independence. He also urged people to visit local museums during the holidays and share their experiences using the hashtag “MuseumMemories”.
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In his speech, Modi pointed out that, just like in sports, “Divya Gyan” has worked wonders in arts, academia, and many other fields. With the power of technology, they are reaching even greater heights, he said. He also urged people to take all coronavirus-related precautions in light of the upcoming festival in May.