Telangana Finance Minister T Harish Rao presented a tax-free budget of Rs 2.56 Lakh Crores for 2022-23. The budget presented is Rs 17,700 Crores for the state government’s welfare scheme ‘Dalit Bandhu’. “For the financial year 2022-23, I am proposing a total expenditure of Rs 2,56,958.51 Crores. Out of this, revenue expenditure is Rs.1,89,274.82 Crores, and capital expenditure is Rs.29,728.44 Crores,” he said.
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During his speech, Harish Rao alleged bias against Telangana by the Central Government and claimed that it was creating hurdles in the path of the state’s progress. As per the Advance Estimates, Telangana continued to maintain higher growth in the GSDP in 2021-22 too at 11.2 per cent at stable prices as compared with the national GDP growth of 8.9 per cent, he added.