Data released by the government revealed that wholesale inflation in India had grown to 13.11 per cent in February. It had moderated to 12.96 per cent in January 2022 after increasing to 13.56 per cent in December 2021. “The high rate of inflation in February 2022 is because of increase in rates of mineral oils, basic metals, chemicals and chemical products, crude petroleum & natural gas, food articles and non-food articles,” the government notice said.
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Inflation in the food sector in February came in at 8.19 per cent, a bit lower than the 10.33 per cent growth seen in the month before. Inflation in vegetable prices moderated to 26.93 per cent after increasing up to 38.45 per cent in January from 31.56 per cent in December. Wholesale prices of onion dropped 26.37 per cent, while potato prices rose 14.78 per cent. Prices of eggs, meat and fish increased 8.14 per cent while wheat prices noticed an 11.03 per cent growth.