Today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told the states to clear the pending power sector dues as soon as possible. The Prime Minister mentioned the name ‘Ujjwal Bharat Ujjwal Bhavishya – Power @2047’ programme, “Many states have outstanding dues of more than Rs 1 lakh crore to power generation companies. These companies are not able to get even the money that has been committed for subsidy on electricity in different states, which is over Rs 75,000 crore”.
“One Nation One Power Grid has become the strength of the country. So far, about 170 GW capacity has been installed from non-fossil sources,” PM Modi said.
“Eight years ago, there was a problem with the electric grid; there used to be failures. While power consumption was increasing, production was depleting, and power distribution was in the doldrums”.
“In today’s times, no one can imagine life without electricity. It is a matter of great satisfaction for me that in the last few years, we have strengthened the power sector by removing many previous shortcomings in the energy sector,” he added.
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