The Bengaluru City Police on Monday booked a woman who had accused a Zomato delivery man of attacking her last week, after he filed a counter-complaint against her, saying she had assaulted and threatened him. The Electronic City Police registered a first information report (FIR) against Hitesha Chandranee, a content creator and Instagram influencer, on a complaint from the delivery executive, identified only as Kamaraj, for alleged assault, insult, and criminal intimidation. Chandranee, a model and make-up artist, had on March 9 posted a video on Instagram claiming that Kamaraj had assaulted her for complaining against him over late delivery of food.
“An FIR was registered against Hitesha, the woman, who claimed to be attacked by a Zomato delivery man,” a police officer said, as quoted by PTI. In the complaint, Kamraj alleged Chandranee had hit him with slippers, accused him of defaming her, and hurling abuses at him, the officer said. Zomato founder-CEO Deepinder Goyal said the company is covering Chandranee’s medical expenses. He also said Kamraj has been suspended from active deliveries, but the said company is covering his earnings in the interim, and his legal expenses.
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“Right from the get-go, our topmost priority has been to get to the truth. Towards that, we are helping both Hitesha and Kamraj (our delivery partner) with all the support they need while the investigation is pending,” Goyal said in the statement.